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Brain and Sensory Foundations: Integrated Learning Strategies: 
Van deer mer, Audrey; Boost Your Baby`s Brain, TedxTrondheim: watch?v=cvX6HOIiN9k 
Wolpert, D., The real reason for brains: brains?language=en gir-bedre-skoleresultater/1900816 av-a-trene/1686351 misforstatt-spedbarnshjernen-i-mange-generasjoner/1733122 unge#:~:text=Dette%20er%20Helsedirektoratets%20anbefaling%20for,utover%20dette%20gir%20 ytterligere%20helsegevinster. kroppen/#:~:text=Regelmessig%20fysisk%20aktivitet%20har%20ogs%C3%A5,planlegging%20og%20 organisering%20av%20hverdagen. 

Catherine Anker-Sletholt


Lek og bevegelse for en barnehjerne i balanse